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Brand Statement

Structural Engineer of 8 years exploring software development pathways.

Currently earning a certificate in Full Stack Web Development with strengths in communication and analytical reasoning.

Passionate about puzzles and tabletop games, with an insatiable desire to solve complex logic problems in a software development environment.

Personal Projects in Development

Completed Work


Civil Engineer by education and Structural Engineer by profession, but aspiring web developer.

Slovak by birth and Texan by nurture, but Pacific North-West native by nature.

While waiting for the season's snow fall, I play and design tabletop board games.

And when I'm neither gaming or snowboarding; I'm out hiking, exploring, or trying different brews.

Moved up to Seattle from Houston to pursue all 5 of those things, and stayed because of the weather.

Night owl and coffee addict. Music appreciator and a really bad singer.

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